Faculty and Researcher Opportunities

We’re looking to develop new research collaborations between UC Santa Cruz and Right Livelihood Laureates around the world, applying research to real-world impact. We want to enable long-term changes by leveraging our relationships with Laureates to connect activism with academia in the classroom and beyond. Right Livelihood Laureates come from all different backgrounds as professors, civil servants, innovators, activists, community organizers, and more. We’re here to help you engage with international audiences on global problems. If you would like to explore any of these opportunities, contact us at rightlivelihood@ucsc.edu.
Work with a Laureate
Find a Laureate that best aligns with your research, teaching, and learning, then contact us with information about what you seek to gain from your collaboration.
Involve a Laureate in your course
Create a module in your course that is co-taught with a Right Livelihood Laureate or a faculty colleague at one of the Right Livelihood College campuses.
With the support of Global Engagement, we enable faculty to participate in Global Classroom cohorts using Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) to engage students with international partners. View all the participating Right Livelihood campuses and Laureates to learn more about each’s unique strength.
Contact us with your proposed course selection and campus and/or Laureate selection to explore this opportunity.
Interview a Laureate
Conduct an online video interview with a Laureate for your class or research project. Then, contact us for information on connecting with your Laureate of choice.
Cosponsor a Laureate’s attendance
Select a Laureate to attend your upcoming event or conference, and sponsor their travel and attendance. Fill out our online application, and we’ll get in touch with more information.