Laureate Nnimmo Bassey preseneted a brief keynote and World Cafe-style discussion about people-powered responses to the climate catastrophe. The session began with a 20-minute “conversation starter” from Nnimmo followed by a series of small-group and whole-group conversations, and dinner.


Nnimmo Bassey’s tireless work with national and international organizations has turned him into one of Africa’s leading advocates and campaigners for the environment and human rights. Bassey has stood up against the practices of multinational corporations in Nigeria and the environmental devastation they leave behind destroying the lives and ignoring the rights of the local population. He received the Right Livelihood Award in 2010 “For revealing the full ecological and human horrors of oil production and for his inspired work to strengthen the environmental movement in Nigeria and globally.” He is the author of many books including “Oil Politics: Echoes of Ecological Wars”, and “To Cook a Continent: Destructive Extraction and Climate Crisis in Africa”.